New Escape Room for 2019!

If you’re good at solving riddles, try our new Escape Room!

Close the rift!

THINGS are getting STRANGER at Granville Haunt Farm. The Russians have infiltrated and constructed a machine hidden inside an old barn that harnesses the power of an otherwordly “gate” to another dimension. You’ll only have a few minutes to decipher the clues and find the keys that will stop the machine and close the gate!

What’s an Escape Room?

A type of physical adventure game in which people are "locked" in a room with other participants and have to use elements of the room to solve a series of puzzles, find clues and "escape" the room within a set time limit. And no, you are not actually locked in anywhere, and if you don't solve the room in time, we won't really turn you into a zombie for the paintball field.


Team Building

Escape Rooms are great team building activities for employees, students and volunteers. Bring your team in today to increase productivity, problem solving skills, communication, motivation and team work in a fun and exciting environment that the whole team will enjoy!

They Escaped!

Buy Tickets Online Now


Open every Friday & Saturday in October, Halloween night and November 1 & 2. We open at sunset and the last ticket is sold at 11:00 pm every open night except Halloween, when we'll close at 9:30 pm.

We don't close until the last customer leaves.

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